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The Mess Test: Coterie vs. WaterWipes

coterie vs. waterwipes review




Written by:

Barbara Mighdoll

This post is in partnership with Coterie. I only endorse products I believe in.

Baby wipes are one of those “does everything” staples for anyone with a baby or toddler – diaper changes, mealtime clean-up, snotty noses, car spills, the list goes on. When I was pregnant, most of my new mom friends carried a pack of WaterWipes with them at all times, and my hospital even had them in the postpartum room. So obviously I too stocked up on them. But after becoming obsessed with Coterie diapers, I decided to give Coterie's wipes a try.

The results of the mess test are in: Coterie vs. WaterWipes. Read on to see which water-based wipe is the better option. The findings may surprise you…

Coterie vs. WaterWipes

Criteria 1: Functionality

Coterie: Coterie’s wipes have a noticeable thickness that distinguishes themselves against any other wipe I’ve tried, not to mention they’re incredibly soft. The size is also striking compared to others – they are huge, so you can do more with less. I seriously almost never need more than 1 wipe to get the job done! I love that the pack has a secure open and close to avoid wipes drying out and dispenses just one at a time to minimize waste. P.S. Coterie also has convenient travel size packs to throw in your diaper bag. 5/5

WaterWipes: These wipes are soft, but too dry, making it more of an effort to clean up messes. The thickness is average, and the size is not even 7”x7” – much smaller than Coterie. I found myself reaching for multiple wipes at a time given the combination of dryness and size. I really hate how much waste I feel I'm creating. I’m not a fan of the plastic adhesive “lid” and lack of packaging to allow for easy dispensing. 2/5


coterie vs waterwipes comparison

Criteria 2: Ingredient Safety

Coterie: Coterie’s wipes are made of 99% purified water and 1% gentle ingredients. They are hypoallergenic, free of alcohol, fragrance, dyes, and other chemicals, earning them the EWG Verified status and a National Eczema Association Seal of Acceptance. They are the only brand to release a public safety report with transparency into all its ingredients. 5/5

WaterWipes:  WaterWipes says all over its packaging that it only contain two ingredients: 99.9% water and .1% grapefruit seed extract. However, they are not transparent about a third ingredient: Benzalkonium Chloride. While there are trace amounts, this chemical is associated with severe skin, eye, and respiratory irritations. Despite this, they are considered hypoallergenic, fragrance free and have the National Eczema Association Seal of Acceptance. 4/5

WaterWipes ingredient list
WaterWipes contains Benzalkonium Chloride


Criteria 3: Environmentally Friendly

Coterie: Coterie wipes are made from biodegradable, 100% plant-based, plastic-free fibers. 5/5

WaterWipes: WaterWipes are 100% compostable, but the brand isn’t transparent about what the wipes are made of or where the materials are sourced. 4/5


Criteria 4: Cost   

Coterie: 4 packs of 56 wipes per pack for $30.00 = $0.13 each

WaterWipes: 4 packs of 60 wipes per pack for $16.29 = $0.07 each

WINNER: WATERWIPES… but I think I used double the WaterWipes to clean up messes, so the price per mess is almost even.

The winner of the mess test: Coterie

Coterie’s wipes really are the better option!! Now whenever I use another wipe, I can't believe how many more I need to get the job done compared to Coterie. Order a subscription now to always be prepared for life's messes. And give the diapers a try while you're at it, its no secret I'm obsessed.

Save 10% on your first subscription of Coterie wipes and diapers: EXTRA10

coterie vs. waterwipes


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