Even though you’ve probably spent your entire pregnancy planning for your baby, focus on YOU during the third trimester. You’ll thank me later! Up until now, your pregnancy journey has largely revolved around preparations for your baby. Chances are, you’ve been gradually gathering all the essential baby gear, ranging from basics like diapers, wipes, and […]
Expert reviewed by Dr. Madeleine Katz, PsyD. You’ve just had a baby. You’re tired, you’re overwhelmed, and amidst all the joy and cuddles, there’s a feeling you didn’t expect – resentment towards your partner. Sometimes, after your new baby arrives, instead of that romantic glow you see in movies or your friends’ Instagram, you might […]
Sick season is upon us, which means you’ll likely be battling your toddler to take medication sometime soon. There is nothing worse than your child having a fever, but refusing medication to help ease the temperature. They are upset, you are upset, it’s all around a frustrating experience. I want to help you understand how […]
Traveling with my kids is one of my life’s greatest treasures. I love seeing the joy on Caden’s and Willow’s faces as they experience something new on one of our family trips, whether that be their first international flight or their first time trying a new food. However, when you travel with young kids, there […]
Today, I’m thrilled to share some personal news with you. After much introspection, I am taking on a new professional journey. I’m transitioning from my role as a VP of Marketing in the world of Silicon Valley tech startups to become the full-time Founder and CEO of New Modern Mom, a passion project I spun […]
So you’ve got this adorable new addition to your family and you’re itching to introduce them to the wonders of the world. Good news! The third and fourth months of your baby’s life are the perfect time to start traveling – road trips, domestic flights in the United States, and yes, international trips too. Your […]
These products were voted clear must haves by new moms In my final weeks of pregnancy, I was pretty stressed about still having a ton of items left on my baby registry. I didn’t really know what products I needed to have stocked immediately and what things could wait. Aside from the obvious infant car […]
You’re careful about what goes on your baby’s plate and skin—but how you ever thought about what’s inside your baby’s diaper? Your baby spends almost 24/7 in diapers during their early years. There’s a lot of frequent diaper changes and a lot of time in contact with the materials and ingredients they’re made of. Which […]
Ever found yourself thinking, “How am I supposed to keep track of everything going on in this house?”—Hearth Display is here to save the day. It’s like having a digital assistant dedicated to organizing your family’s chaos. From syncing everyone’s schedules to creating routines the kids will actually follow, this sleek, smart calendar turns family […]
When you’re trying to conceive, it can feel like it’s all you think about. You’re obsessing over your cycle calendar, meticulously tracking ovulation, and making every lifestyle change possible to improve your chances of getting pregnant. While much of the process is out of your hands, it’s important to focus on what you can control. […]
Becoming a mom is a life-changing experience—beautiful, transformative, and yes, completely overwhelming. It’s as though no one can honestly prepare you for the love you’ll have for your baby, but also for just how much you’ll second-guess yourself or how deeply you’ll feel the weight of trying to do it all. And somewhere in the […]
Motherhood is life-changing in ways you never fully expect—emotionally, physically, and yep, professionally. The term motherhood penalty might not have crossed your mind before becoming a mom, but chances are you’ve felt its impact at some point. A slower career progression? Reduced earning potential? The overwhelming need to “prove yourself” at work? Moms face unique […]
Lately, our bedtime struggles have been real. My kids are suddenly professional stallers—asking for just one more sip of water, needing to switch pajamas three times, and remembering an urgent story they have to tell me right this second. Meanwhile, I’m standing there, trying to keep my cool, knowing what every extra minute means (less […]
Welcoming a new baby is a joyful, exhausting, and completely life-altering experience. Whether you’ve just become a first time parent or you’re adding to your family, let’s be honest, figuring out the roles and dynamics of parenthood as a couple isn’t always the easiest thing. And if you’ve ever wondered, “How much should a husband help […]
The stress and mental load of working motherhood, combined with hectic schedules and planning a huge international trip, have left me not feeling my best. I’ve been bloated, and often resorting to snacking on my kids’ dinner scraps, which definitely isn’t helping. To optimize my time and health, I’ve started habit stacking (adding new habits […]
A pediatric dietitian’s review of two popular kids greens supplements I’m in the middle of a serious picky eating phase with my boys. My four-year-old refuses to eat anything green, and my two-year-old is stuck on his favorite beige foods (think: buttered pasta, crackers, rice, and bread). As a mom and pediatric dietitian, I know […]
Taking trips with my kids is hands down one of the best parts of being a parent. Watching their excitement as they explore new places, try new foods, and experience different cultures is pure magic. But let’s be real—traveling with little ones isn’t always easy. And flying with a toddler is definitely something you’ll want […]
I recently spotted Ready. Set. Food! at Target and I was instantly curious. I vividly remembered seeing the brand on Shark Tank back in 2020, and I liked the idea of a simple, structured way to introduce allergens without second-guessing. I wanted to learn more and give my honest review of Ready Set Food Allergen […]
Here’s the deal, the thought of making baby food for three meals a day while safely introducing allergens is so overwhelming. I understand the importance of providing my baby with nutritious meals, and according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), early introduction of allergenic foods can reduce the risk of future food allergies. But […]
Let’s be honest, introducing baby finger foods is nerve-wracking, not to mention so much freaking work. The mental load of this process is daunting. You wonder: How do I know when they are ready? What foods are safe? What if they struggle to chew it? Can I give them what I’m eating? Do they really […]
Hiya Bedtime Essentials vs. Zarbee’s Gentle Bedtime Gummies vs. Olly Kids Sleep Bedtime struggles with my toddlers is real. And it’s somehow become a marathon of negotiations, storytelling, one more snack requests, and exhausting attempts to get both my kids to sleep, especially my son. 😫 So, I recently decided to explore kids sleep support […]
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