Dad Bod: I crowdsourced favorite Peloton classes from a few friends. Find one that’s right for you, and make some new friends for the ride.
This is part of a series of fitness guest posts we’re calling “Dad Bod” by my husband, Jason!
To kick off this list of favorite Peloton classes, let’s first be friends on Peloton! Add me – ModernDadBod. Recently a friend told me my first “Dad Bod” article, The Best Peloton Cycling Instructors Based On Your Mood, helped them get back on the bike. I’d love to hear from you too. If you find inspiration leave a comment down below or hit me with a high five on the leaderboard.
My Favorites
One of my recent favorite Peloton classes is the Beyonce two for one ride with both Alex Tousaint and Tunde Oyeneyin. I love the way they play off each other. That fun banter makes me go faster, plus well, it's Beyonce of course.
Then you have the Beatles rides. Leanne Haynsby crushes it in Beatles Volume 1 ride.
I love anything by Emma Lovewell. I’ve also been seeing Emma on the new Pilates classes and Ally Love venturing out to Barre (check out Barbara’s review of the Peloton Barre Classes).
Honestly there are so many great rides that I could write a post about each one. But for now, let’s see what a few friends’ favorite classes are.
Bookmark These Favorite Peloton Classes
And make some friends for the ride
Handle: ExcellentEllen
Favorite Instructor: Cody Rigsby if I want to have a great time and get lost in the music. Robin Arzon if I want my butt kicked and to be motivated to PR.
Favorite Ride: Don’t laugh…30 min Backstreet Boys Ride with Cody Rigsby. It’s the only ride I’ve done multiple times. I also love the Robin Arzon Turkey Burn each year on Thanksgiving because it’s truly amazing how many people are riding together as a family.
Handle: newmodernmom
Favorite Ride:30 min Lizzo Ride with Robin Arzon – talk about music giving you motivation. I also get a kick out of the 30 min XOXO, Cody with Cody Rigsby rides. This is Cody’s signature class series filled with the right amount of hilarious commentary. There is nothing like comedic relief while you’re pushing yourself to your limit on the bike.
Handle: the_og_winosaur
Favorite Instructor: Emma Lovewell- I love her energy and choreography for the groove rides. She is fun but I always leave the ride feeling calm and positive.
Favorite Ride: Favorite ride so far was Cody Rigsby's 30 min Britney Ride. It was so lively and the music was obviously amazing. He has so much personality and made me laugh so hard. I want to take it again!
Handle: hannahcspr
Favorite Instructor: Jess King- fun, energetic, and she pushes you
Another favorite is Alex Toussaint for when I want a good butt kicking and to beat my PR. His rides are always high energy which I enjoy.
Favorite Ride: Loving the Bike Bootcamp classes with Jess Sims. I like the combination of cardio and strength. You get the best of both worlds with the bootcamp. Plus, I have the Bike + so having the swivel screen makes the bootcamp experience even better.
If i'm not doing a Bike Bootcamp class, my other favorite would be the Live DJ ride with Robin or the HIIT and hills class. Always a good sweat and pushes me out of my comfort zone.
Handle: DevinBlaze
Favorite Instructor: Jess Sims. She's the one overly positive person that does not make me irritated, but actually motivated. I don’t know what her secret sauce is, but that girl is just a walking rainbow.
Favorite Ride: Any Jess Sims Strength class because it’s the perfect mix of fun and hard, or Cody Rigsby cycling class because I hate cycling but he's like watching a live episode of Will and Grace while exercising and I'm willing to do that for the entertainment value.
Handle: LSG510
Favorite Instructor: My fave instructor is a tough call between Emma Lovewell and Ally Love….. probably would have to say Emma though. I love her classes/style of teaching, she's super motivating but not annoying at all, I love the music she plays and I like the intensity of her classes, always pushes me hard but i'm not like dying at the end of her class! She's my usual go to.
Favorite Ride: My favorite class is an Intervals & Arms class with EDM music from Emma Lovewell – I love the variety in the class, she always plays the best music, I love the mix up between the intervals and then the arm weights, the class flies by and i find it to be so fun and a great workout.
Handle: Granola___Girl
Favorite Instructor: Ally Love – i always end a class with her feeling at the top of my game, energized, and ready to take on the world!
Favorite Ride: 30 min Beyonce Ride with Ally Love. I enjoy watching Ally dance (she's so talented~!), She's fun and always energizes me. also she KICKS MY BUTT Every Time!
Handle: jstonela
Favorite Instructor: Leanne Haynsby has fun music and energy.
Favorite Ride: All the Classic Rock rides. They are challenging classes.
Handle: kaylaglanville
Favorite Instructor: Emma Lovewell! I keep a pen and notepad in my cup holder just to jot down her life lessons and mottos… she’s also a great IG follow.
Favorite Ride: 30 min Women of Rock is my favorite! This playlist mixed with the badass (can i say that?) vibes makes it one of my favorite go-to’s before a big meeting.
Handle: AmPaHoNYC
Favorite Ride: 30 min Prince ride with Ally Love & Emma Lovewell – Peak COVID entertainment.
Handle: em_mulcahy
Favorite Instructor: Cody Rigsby all the way!! He’s hilarious and makes me forget I’m even working out. Also love his love for boy band battles
Favorite Ride: Either one of Cody’s 90’s Rides for a throwback or one of the arm intervals so I feel like I got more of a full body workout instead of just cardio.
Handle: ChrisTrying
Favorite Instructor: Alex Toussaint – Alex keeps his classes running at a super high intensity which keeps me motivated. He also has great hip hop playlists and is sure to drop a few inspirational lines throughout the ride!
Favorite Ride: I loved the Last Dance Ride that Alex hosted around the time of the Michael Jordan docuseries. I loved the show so it was really cool to have that energy emulated through a Peloton ride!
Handle: reallifesimba
Favorite Ride: Cody’s 30 min Britney Spears ride. That’s the second vote for this one!
What’s your favorite Peloton Ride?
Drop your Peloton handle and favorite class in the comments below ?
See you on the road,
New Modern Dad