Even though you’ve probably spent your entire pregnancy planning for your baby, focus on YOU during the third trimester. You’ll thank me later! Up until now, your pregnancy journey has largely revolved around preparations for your baby. Chances are, you’ve been gradually gathering all the essential baby gear, ranging from basics like diapers, wipes, and […]
Expert reviewed by Dr. Madeleine Katz, PsyD. You’ve just had a baby. You’re tired, you’re overwhelmed, and amidst all the joy and cuddles, there’s a feeling you didn’t expect – resentment towards your partner. Sometimes, after your new baby arrives, instead of that romantic glow you see in movies or your friends’ Instagram, you might […]
Sick season is upon us, which means you’ll likely be battling your toddler to take medication sometime soon. There is nothing worse than your child having a fever, but refusing medication to help ease the temperature. They are upset, you are upset, it’s all around a frustrating experience. I want to help you understand how […]
Traveling with my kids is one of my life’s greatest treasures. I love seeing the joy on Caden’s and Willow’s faces as they experience something new on one of our family trips, whether that be their first international flight or their first time trying a new food. However, when you travel with young kids, there […]
Today, I’m thrilled to share some personal news with you. After much introspection, I am taking on a new professional journey. I’m transitioning from my role as a VP of Marketing in the world of Silicon Valley tech startups to become the full-time Founder and CEO of New Modern Mom, a passion project I spun […]
So you’ve got this adorable new addition to your family and you’re itching to introduce them to the wonders of the world. Good news! The third and fourth months of your baby’s life are the perfect time to start traveling – road trips, domestic flights in the United States, and yes, international trips too. Your […]
These products were voted clear must haves by new moms In my final weeks of pregnancy, I was pretty stressed about still having a ton of items left on my baby registry. I didn’t really know what products I needed to have stocked immediately and what things could wait. Aside from the obvious infant car […]
Credit cards are a great way to leverage your money and get rewards on purchases. Who doesn’t love that? With so many options out there, finding the best credit cards for moms can help maximize rewards tailored to your spending habits. As long as you’re self-disciplined and living on a budget, credit cards can be […]
There were many, and I mean many, terrible things about having a baby during COVID, but one of the best things that came out of it was the ability to work from home with my baby. Don’t misconstrue – it’s impossible to work a demanding job without childcare even with working from home. Childcare is […]
As a new mom, one of the first questions you’ll ask yourself is: What do you need in a diaper bag? Packing it can feel like a balancing act—you’re either overprepared with a bag bursting at the seams or underprepared and scrambling when the unexpected happens. With my first baby, I lugged around a hefty […]
How many times have you been caught in a diaper bind? “I swear I had another pack in the closet…” said me dozens of times. As a busy working mom, it’s easy to lose track of that diaper stockpile (or lack thereof), resulting in some ad hoc trips to Whole Foods. Being the over-analyzer that […]
We love California. Of course, California is our home, but we also love that there are so many exciting things to do in California with kids. The mild weather, changing landscape, and hundreds of kid-friendly activities make it the perfect place for families to explore year-round. For this post, I wanted to showcase some of […]
As a first-time mom, I thought I’d take a minimum maternity leave and keep an open line of communication with my company. Really, I didn’t think I’d ever stop working. I was worried not upholding my responsibilities would negatively impact my career… especially as the youngest senior leader on a male-dominated team. I was worried […]
Maternity leave allows working moms to step away from their careers and focus entirely on recovery from birth and bonding with their newborn. It’s such an incredible time because you get to fully embrace your role as a mother and finally meet the baby you’ve been carrying for nine months. This season is challenging, beautiful, […]
Sometimes new traditions are born as a result of a clever marketing campaign or celebrity Instagram posts. Many of them, I dismiss, but one custom that I totally bought into is the babymoon. I went on a babymoon during both Caden and Willow’s pregnancies, and choosing luxury babymoon destinations made those trips the perfect way […]
My husband Jason and I love to travel, and we had no plans to slow down once we had kids. Now, my two little ones, Caden and Willow, are seasoned travelers with wanderlust just like their parents. As a family, we’ve explored numerous domestic and international destinations, from road trips across California to relaxing escapes […]
Motherhood is the ultimate juggling act. With so many responsibilities to manage, it can feel overwhelming for anyone—but working moms face a unique set of challenges. Finding that elusive work-life balance often comes with its own share of stress and self-doubt. Sometimes, it’s easy to feel frustrated or even resentful when other moms seem like […]
Burnout is a condition of total physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion, and contrary to what some might believe, it is very real. In fact, it’s even recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an occupational phenomenon and is included in the International Classification of Diseases. The WHO defines burnout as “a syndrome conceptualized as […]
Being a mom is hard…being a working mom can feel impossible. Our schedule can get so crazy, and establishing a time management working mom schedule can feel impossible. However, scaling back and simplifying your schedule can help you find meaning, peace, and happiness in all your roles as a mom and a professional. It’s so […]
I’ve traveled with both of my kids since they were infants. Traveling together was important to Jason and me even before we had kids, so, of course, it’s something we wanted to continue after Caden was born. Because of that, Caden has been on over 2 dozen trips at just 3 years old, and Willow’s […]
Many parents are intimidated by traveling with kids, and many wouldn’t even dream of traveling internationally. However, traveling with children is one of the most incredible experiences you can share with your family. No, they won’t remember every detail of the trip. But as parents, we’ll remember their smiles and laughter for the rest of […]
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