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A Mom’s Review of Magic Molecule

magic molecule hypochlorous acid spray review




Written by:

Barbara Mighdoll

This post is in partnership with Magic Molecule. I only endorse products I believe in.

Let’s talk about a game-changer for our little ones’ boo-boos: Magic Molecule. I stumbled upon this spray, and it's been a staple in my three-year-old Caden's first aid kit ever since, whether we're at home, traveling, or just out and about. So I wanted to share my honest take on this intriguing product.

First, What is Magic Molecule?

It's a hypochlorous acid (HOCl) spray. Hypochlorous acid is actually a natural fighter our white blood cells produce to combat infections – pretty cool, right?

Now, why is this important for our kids? Because, in the world of scraped knees and random rashes, we need something gentle yet effective. And that's what Magic Molecule brings to the table. It's like taking a bit of our body's natural healing power and putting it in a bottle. The science behind it is fascinating – a team of scientists figured out how to replicate this naturally occurring miracle worker so we can use it anytime, anywhere.

Imagine one solution for nearly every little mishap – cuts, bug bites, sunburns, and even those dry skin patches our little one's with sensitive skin are prone to.

magic molecule hypochlorous acid spray review

Non-Toxic Ingredients

We all want to avoid those scary, hard-to-pronounce chemicals in products, especially for our kids. Magic Molecule is like a breath of fresh air here. It’s made with 100% clean, natural ingredients. Its vegan, cruelty-free, and totally free from the bad stuff – no alcohol, parabens, sulfates, phthalates, oils, talc, or fragrances. Just the good, clean healing power of nature.

Magic Molecule vs. Antibiotic Cream

This is a big one. We’ve all reached for the antibiotic cream for those little cuts and scrapes. But here’s the deal – Magic Molecule is a fantastic alternative. It doesn’t contribute to antibiotic resistance, which is a growing concern nowadays. Plus, it’s non-toxic and gentle, unlike some antibiotic creams that can be a bit harsh on tender skin.

magic molecule hypochlorous acid spray review

First Aid Uses

The real question is what can't you use it for?  We've used Magic Molecule for everything from Caden's random cuts and scrapes to those mysterious bug bites he gets. Chapped lips? Check. That weird rash that showed up overnight? Double-check. It's like this little bottle of magic (see what I did there?) handles all the skin drama that kids bring home. It’s incredibly versatile. And the best part? It doesn’t sting on application! Caden literally cries for “boo-boo spray” when he has an ouchie.

How does Magic Molecule compare to other brands?

When I stacked Magic Molecule up against other hypochlorous acid brands like Active and Brio, it really stood out. For starters, its concentration is a higher than others, which means more of that skin-healing goodness in every spray. Plus, it's FDA-cleared and made in an FDA-registered facility, which speaks volumes about its quality and effectiveness. And let's not forget, Magic Molecule's shelf life lasts longer than others so you don't have to worry about it going bad, thanks to its patented process.

Add Magic Molecule to Your First Aid Kit Now

From cuts to chapped lips, Caden now reaches out for this “boo-boo spray,” and honestly, it's been nothing short of magical (pun totally intended) in easing his tears. So, if you’re looking for a safe, effective, and versatile solution for your little one’s skin troubles, Magic Molecule might just be your answer.

Get 15% off your purchase with code: NEWMODERNMOM15

magic molecule hypochlorous acid spray review


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