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The best gifts for an 18 month old

Gifts for 18 month old




Written by:

Barbara Mighdoll

Tested and approved by an actual 18 month old toddler

Picking out gifts for a toddler is hard. They have short attention spans, are very opinionated, love something one day and have zero interest the next.

That’s why I’ve put together a quick list of “approved” gifts from my 18 month old that he frequently enjoys.

And the best part? If you're in a time pinch, almost all of these can be delivered on Amazon within 2 days!

Gifts for an 18 month old toddler

Gifts for 18 month old

Gifts over $50

Gifts $20 to $50

Gifts under $20

Gifts for 18 month old

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This post may contain affiliate links including the Amazon Associates Program. When you make purchases through links in this post, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.  I only endorse products I believe in.