Even though you’ve probably spent your entire pregnancy planning for your baby, focus on YOU during the third trimester. You’ll thank me later! Up until now, your pregnancy journey has largely revolved around preparations for your baby. Chances are, you’ve been gradually gathering all the essential baby gear, ranging from basics like diapers, wipes, and […]
Expert reviewed by Dr. Madeleine Katz, PsyD. You’ve just had a baby. You’re tired, you’re overwhelmed, and amidst all the joy and cuddles, there’s a feeling you didn’t expect – resentment towards your partner. Sometimes, after your new baby arrives, instead of that romantic glow you see in movies or your friends’ Instagram, you might […]
Sick season is upon us, which means you’ll likely be battling your toddler to take medication sometime soon. There is nothing worse than your child having a fever, but refusing medication to help ease the temperature. They are upset, you are upset, it’s all around a frustrating experience. I want to help you understand how […]
Traveling with my kids is one of my life’s greatest treasures. I love seeing the joy on Caden’s and Willow’s faces as they experience something new on one of our family trips, whether that be their first international flight or their first time trying a new food. However, when you travel with young kids, there […]
Today, I’m thrilled to share some personal news with you. After much introspection, I am taking on a new professional journey. I’m transitioning from my role as a VP of Marketing in the world of Silicon Valley tech startups to become the full-time Founder and CEO of New Modern Mom, a passion project I spun […]
So you’ve got this adorable new addition to your family and you’re itching to introduce them to the wonders of the world. Good news! The third and fourth months of your baby’s life are the perfect time to start traveling – road trips, domestic flights in the United States, and yes, international trips too. Your […]
These products were voted clear must haves by new moms In my final weeks of pregnancy, I was pretty stressed about still having a ton of items left on my baby registry. I didn’t really know what products I needed to have stocked immediately and what things could wait. Aside from the obvious infant car […]
I’ve got some exciting news for you! Lalo, a beloved brand among modern parents including me, just dropped their newest product, The Play Box, for babies and toddlers starting from newborn to 2 years old. And it’s giving Lovevery, the OG of subscription play boxes, a run for its money. So I decided to put […]
One unexpected postpartum experience that caught me completely off guard was postpartum hair loss. About 2 months after having Caden I was startled by the chunks of hair coming out in the shower. Naturally, this left me worried. Thankfully, after consulting with friends and over researching this topic, I discovered this type of hair loss, […]
You’ve recently given birth and are wondering when your body’s going to start its cycle again. It’s a common question that many new moms have, and the answer isn’t always straightforward. Ovulation signs after giving birth vary from woman to woman and depend on various factors such as whether you’re breastfeeding, your overall health, and […]
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, filled with anticipation and joyful surprises. But let’s face it, it also comes with its fair share of “can’t dos” and “don’t dos” and dozens of opinions from everyone. Personally, during my pregnancy I was all about indulging in some of the common “avoids” on occasion, but I wanted to […]
Whether you are actively trying to conceive or using a natural form of birth control to actively not get pregnant, knowing the signs of ovulation and recognizing when ovulation is over is key to success. So I tapped into an expert, Dr. Nicole Tod of North Texas Women’s Healthcare, to walk us through the subtle […]
Who is ready to cover their kitchen island in a Thanksgiving Charcuterie Board? Me! I am a cheese board and charcuterie fanatic. There is nothing that makes me happier than an excuse to load up on cheeses from Whole Foods, in-season produce from the farmers market, and source fun crackers and accouterments from Trader Joe’s. […]
Deciding which is the best breast pump for work is one part of the complicated journey of returning from maternity leave. Pumping at work, and finding the right equipment, setup and routine are tasks that can seem daunting, but we’re here to help you through it. This guide is designed to help you navigate the […]
You’re in the postpartum period, and it seems like your body has taken on a life of its own. From healing from childbirth to adjusting to the demands of breastfeeding, it can feel like you’re on an emotional and physical roller coaster. Essential oils are a wonderful way to ease some of the discomforts that […]
The second trimester is that sweet spot in pregnancy where you finally have energy again, and yes, that means you may find yourself interested in getting back to your weekly workout routine. But with that bump growing, you’re likely wondering can I workout my core while pregnant, and what are the best core exercises you […]
Let’s face the truth: motherhood isn’t all sunshine and lollipops. Sometimes, it feels like an endless cycle of sleepless nights, tantrums, and never-ending laundry. And in those moments, you might catch yourself thinking, “I hate being a mom.” I hate to admit it, but I often… like multiple times a week don’t feel like “moming.” […]
You’re about to become a dad. Welcome to the parents club! As a new dad-to-be, there’s quite a bit to get your head around, and one of the very first things is going to be packing your hospital bag. Yes, that’s right – moms aren’t the only ones who need a bag full of essentials […]
When it comes to my diaper bag, I have two rules: 1) always restock it after the kids go to bed and 2) pack minimally. This allows for a less chaotic exit out the door in the morning, and ensures I don’t have permanent back damage from schlepping a little one, and all the stuff […]
You’ve just welcomed your little bundle of joy into the world, congratulations! Amidst this whirlwind of emotions and sleepless nights, comfort is probably a high priority for you. But let’s face it, the part of post-birth they don’t always talk about is the immediate postpartum recovery and the, ahem, unmentionables. That’s why we are sharing […]
When I was pregnant and began researching what my hospital experience would be like, one of my first thoughts was WTF is mesh underwear and why would I need it? I quickly learned that the best postpartum mesh underwear boasts super-stretchy waistbands, soft material and are able to support the puppy pads you need to […]
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