When my baby became more active around 9 months old, his whole lifestyle changed. He started crawling, walking, and engaging in all sorts of activities that demanded a diaper that stayed put. Whenever his diapers would wriggle around or shift lopsided, we’d often pick him up only to discover leaks. And don’t even get me […]
When my daughter was born, she had incredibly sensitive skin that required me to modify many of the products we used, even down to the detergent for my own clothes. But one thing she weirdly never struggled with? Diaper rash. It’s a common problem for so many babies but luckily, not mine. And I attribute […]
Personally, I’m a big believer in probiotics for me and for my kids. They’re helpful for digestion and supporting immune health, and when Caden was dealing with bouts of tummy troubles during potty training, I knew I had to take action. He’d go days without pooping, constantly complain about tummy aches, and was really hesitant […]
Beekeeper’s Naturals Throat Soothing Lollipops vs Lolleez Lollipops This post is in partnership with Beekeeper’s Naturals. I only endorse products I personally use with my family. When both my kids came down with colds and sore throats, I went into full-on mom mode to find anything that could help them feel better and ease their […]
I try my best to serve healthy, nutritious meals to my children, but let’s be real—it’s a challenge. To be honest, it’s tough. As a full-time working mom, I can’t always juggle everything (even though doing weekly meal prep does make a difference). There are days when the convenience of macaroni and cheese, fish sticks, […]
Overwhelmed by the baby formula aisle? I was too. A quick backstory Three days into Caden’s life, waiting to discharge from the hospital, the pediatrician entered with concern over Caden’s weight – he’d passed the 10% weight loss threshold. In order to be allowed to leave, he needed to sustain or gain weight over the […]
When my baby came down with his first virus, his congested little nose, cough and discomfort broke my heart. I immediately turned to the internet, and learned cold and flu medications aren’t approved for babies and toddlers. So my search quickly turned into looking for natural remedies. Steam with essential oils like eucalyptus, and humidifiers […]
Coterie vs. Healthy Baby vs. Freestyle vs. Happy Little Camper vs. Kudos If you’ve been researching diapers for your little one, you’ve likely come across the whole chlorine debate in the form of a battle between Total Chlorine Free (TCF) versus Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) diapers. It’s a hot topic for good reason. Personally, if […]
This post is in partnership with Baby’s Only. I only endorse products I believe in and would personally use with my family. Three days after Caden was born, our pediatrician voiced her concern over Caden’s weight. I was still in the hospital recovering, but wasn’t allowed to leave until he gained more weight. Like most […]
Expert reviewed by Autumn Dettmann, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant Willow was a terrible sleeper until she turned 11 months old, leading to numerous breakdowns fueled by exhaustion and frustration. I was seriously UNWELL. Despite our initial attempt to sleep train at 4 months, continuous illnesses (courtesy of her toddler sibling!) made me hesitant to let […]
Expert reviewed by Autumn Dettmann, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant Deciding when to transition your child to a toddler bed can be a bit of a puzzle for parents. It’s a major milestone that signals your little one is growing up and gaining more independence. But it can also be a challenge, frustrating, and confusing. With […]
Expert reviewed by Autumn Dettman, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant. Transitioning your toddler to their big-kid bed is a milestone that can spark a mix of emotions. You’re excited they’re growing up, yet you dread the bedtime battles and late-night escapes you’ve heard other parents talk about. Wow, did we have issues getting Caden to stay […]
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