They say to take the opportunity before baby comes to really rest up. But moms… how much of a joke is that? Between the watermelon attached to your belly, the long to-do lists to prepare for baby, and insomnia it’s hard to feel rested. To aid in the effort of getting a full night’s sleep, […]
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I don’t let pregnancy, newborn babies, or toddlers prevent me from traveling. My family loves to travel together, but I’ll admit that a long flight is not my favorite part of any trip. This is especially true when I’m pregnant! There are so many […]
Is your current wardrobe quickly becoming a tight squeeze? Been there! Have you ever considered the option of renting maternity clothes? With the concept of clothing rental services, you can stay comfortable, chic, and stylish throughout your pregnancy (and all of the accompanying body changes) without breaking the bank. I’ve pulled together a list of […]
Taking care of a newborn is not easy. No matter how much you prepare for coming home with your baby, the postpartum experience always brings surprises. I know I had big unexpected postpartum experiences that made me on an emotional and physical rollercoaster, even though I was so happy to meet both Caden and Willow […]
So, you’re expecting a little pumpkin of your own this year and looking for some fun pregnant Halloween costumes to celebrate? Well, you’re in the right place! We’ve got you covered with a selection of the best Halloween costumes for pregnant women, designed to show off that beautiful baby bump. From hilarious outfits that playfully […]
You’ve found yourself in the delicate position of comforting a dear friend who’s just suffered a pregnancy loss. I have too. It’s a tough and sensitive situation, one that leaves many of us scrambling for the right words. As someone who has both experienced a miscarriage and who has many friends who have also, I […]
You’re about to embark on one of the most incredible journeys of your life – childbirth. As your due date draws closer, you might be wondering whether you should purchase your own birthing gown to wear during labor and delivery. I did, and I’m glad I had it to make me feel more comfortable. But […]
As you begin to navigate building your healthcare team during pregnancy, you’ll likely have the question of what is the difference between a doula and a midwife. I’ve been there! The debate of doula vs. midwife can seem incredibly confusing. Do they do the same thing? What are the pros and cons of each? At […]
So, you’ve heard the term ‘doula’ thrown around in your local parenting groups or come across it while scrolling through Instagram. But what is a doula? What do doulas do? I surveyed the New Modern Mom community and about 1/4 of respondents used one for their birth. Those that did loved the support, those that […]
As an expectant parent, it can be overwhelming to prepare for the arrival of your little one. From setting up the nursery to buying adorable baby clothes, there are so many things that need to be taken care of before your due date. On top of every Mama’s third trimester of pregnancy to-do list before […]
Being pregnant again is the real meaning of your body bouncing back… like woah Um hello bump, I see you. I swear this is the real meaning when people say your body bounces back. No it’s not after baby, it’s when there is a new baby growing in the picture. My body just knew what […]
Virtually all our nation’s leaders talk about valuing children and families. America ought to be a place where the birth of a child is a glorious event, rather than the beginning of a family’s economic ruin. “25% of poverty spells begin with the birth of a child” – National Partnership for Women and Families. While […]
You don’t need a big room to design a dreamy nursery for your baby. These 3 Mamas nailed the Closet Nursery, and have some great design advice to do the same. A big thank you to my San Francisco Mom Tribe/best friends, Emily Mulcahy, Lindsay Bishop (L. Bishop Photography) & Molly Vandehey for sharing their […]
Sharing my miscarriage story because it shouldn’t be taboo to talk about [Deep breath in] I’ve probably written 6 different versions of this blog post over the last year – well before the idea of starting the New Modern Mom blog even crossed my mind. My life changed in April 2019 when I heard that […]
These products were voted clear must haves by new moms In my final weeks of pregnancy, I was pretty stressed about still having a ton of items left on my baby registry. I didn’t really know what products I needed to have stocked immediately and what things could wait. Aside from the obvious infant car […]
From morning sickness, bloating and first flutters, to back pain and a growing belly, here’s what you can expect as your body changes during pregnancy I loved being pregnant. I seriously miss it. Every week there was a new exciting milestone knowing a little baby was growing inside there: from hearing the baby’s heartbeat for […]
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